

2019年2月10日 — Autosub是一种用于自动语音识别和字幕生成的实用程序。它将视频或音频文件作为输入,执行语音活动检测以查找语音区域,向google Web Speech API发出并行 ...


Autosub is an automatic subtitles generating utility. It can detect speech regions automatically by using Auditok, split the audio files according to regions ...


Autosub is a utility for automatic speech recognition and subtitle generation. It takes a video or an audio file as input, performs voice activity detection ...


Autosub is a utility for automatic speech recognition and subtitle generation. It takes a video or an audio file as input, performs voice activity detection ...


確認你的影片的語系在這個autosub中,相同語言轉換是不用付費的,語系的部分可以透過. autosub --list-languages. 來確認你需要的語系跟代碼配對 2. 輸入指令來轉換 autosub ...

[APP] autosub 自動辨識影片字幕

2021年5月9日 — [APP] autosub 自動辨識影片字幕 · 安裝ffmpeg​ · 安裝pip​ · 安裝autos​ · 使用autosub​.

AutoSub: AI Subtitle Generator

2024年7月4日 — -Effortless Subtitle Creation: Automatically generate subtitles from a wide range of video and audio formats, including mp4, avi, webm, mp3, wav ...

AutoSub: AI Subtitle Generator

2024年7月4日 — -Multi-Language Support: AutoSub offers translation for caption labels and supports all languages across its services. **How to Use**: 1 ...


Autosub is a utility for automatic speech recognition and subtitle generation. It takes a video or an audio file as input, performs voice activity detection ...


2019年2月10日—Autosub是一种用于自动语音识别和字幕生成的实用程序。它将视频或音频文件作为输入,执行语音活动检测以查找语音区域,向googleWebSpeechAPI发出并行 ...,Autosubisanautomaticsubtitlesgeneratingutility.ItcandetectspeechregionsautomaticallybyusingAuditok,splittheaudiofilesaccordingtoregions ...,Autosubisautilityforautomaticspeechrecognitionandsubtitlegeneration.Ittakesavideooranaudiofileasin...